All In One 

Our built in filter aquarium

Blau All in One

The solution for those without space.

Bent corner front aquarium and rear filtration compartment. It allows to have in a reduced space proportionally more filtration than traditional aquariums. Maintenance tasks are made easier and accessories such as heaters are hidden.

Blau All in One

All in One 91

Total external measures: 45x45x45cm
Total Capacity: 91 litres
Internal measurements of the filter compartment: 43x9,8x44cm
Recirculation pump: Reef Motion 1.5KDC

Blau All in One

All in One 80

Total external measures: 62x36x36cm
Total Capacity: 80 litres
Internal measurements of the filter compartment: 60x9,8x35cm
Recirculation pump: Reef Motion 1.5KDC

All in One Aquarium Fresh Water

Aquarium + Pump +Light

Model Reference Diemensions Light
All in One 80 Fresh Water Black778908162x36x36 cmMini Lumina RGB+W 60Reef Motion  1.5 DC
All in One 80 Fresh Water White778908362x36x36 cmMini Lumina RGB+W 60Reef Motion 1.5 DC
All in One 91 Fresh Water Black778909145x45x45 cmMini Lumina RGB+W 40Reef Motion 1.5 DC
All in One 91 Fresh Water White778909345x45x45 cmMini Lumina RGB+W 40Reef Motion 1.5 DC

All in One Aquarium Marine

Aquarium + Pump +Light+Skimmer

Model Reference Diemensions Light Pump Skimmer
All in One 80 Marine Black778908062x36x36 cmMini Lumina RGB+ Marine 60Reef Motion 1.5 DCScuma 0635
All in One 80 Marine White778908262x36x36 cmMini Lumina RGB+ Marine 60Reef Motion 1.5 DCScuma 0635
All in One 91 Marine Black778909045x45x45 cmMini Lumina RGB+ Marine 40Reef Motion 1.5 DCScuma 0635
All in One 91 Marine White778909245x45x45 cmMini Lumina RGB+ Marine 40Reef Motion 1.5 DCScuma 0635

The cabinet is not included, but you can choose one of our structure and door combinations

Other Features

All in One aquariums also include these accessories
Blau Multipad

As standard it is equipped with a multipad, layers of sponges with different absorbent properties: active carbon, anti-ammonium, anti-nitrate, anti-phosphate.

Blau Nano Flo
Nano Flo

Creates movement on the surface of the aquarium improving gas exchange.

Blau Cubic Panoramic
Glass Cover

Includes glass cover for those who prefer to have the aquarium covered.

Blau Cubic Panoramic

The mat is essential for a good settlement of the aquarium.